ISPA Video on Good Biosecurity Practices

Practicing basic biosecurity is an essential step in protecting your birds and yourself from disease agents and from spreading it to other poultry and humans.

USDA APHIS Video of Good Biosecurity Practices

Diseases like highly pathogenic avian influenza can reach beyond the commercial poultry industry, impacting backyard and hobby flocks as well. Large disease outbreaks like the HPAI outbreak in 2014-2015 can even affect consumer prices and product availability. It is important that anyone who has contact with poultry should follow some basic biosecurity practices to help protect their birds.


Since 2022 the USDA has confirmed cases of Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5 in the Pacific, Central and Mississippi Flyways (migratory paths for birds). The disease has been found in wild birds, as well as in backyard and commercial flocks. There are four important things that you need to know about this situation:

  1. The United States food supply is safe. Our food is safe, the United States has the strongest Avian Influenza (AI) surveillance system in the world.

  2. The risk to humans is low. No human infections with these viruses have been detected, and the Centers for Disease Control considers the risk to people from the High Path Avian Influenza infections in wild birds, backyard flocks, and commerical poultry to be low.

  3. Indiana has a team approach to deal with Avian Influenza. The Indiana State Poultry Association, the Indiana Board of Animal Health, the Purdue Animal Disease Diagnostic Lab, and USDA-APHIS work together with the National Poultry Improvement Plan. These agencies and the NPIP look for the disease, educate the public about AI, and help producers decide on the most appropriate practices to ensure the health and safety of their flock.

  4. Biosecurity is of utmost importance to help prevent AI. Avian Influenza was first detected in backyard flocks in the Northwest, and has spread to commerical flocks. The virus is specific to the bird, not the type of housing. A high standard of biosecurity can help prevent the spread of Avian Influenza. Wild birds are carriers of AI and can carry this disease without any symptoms.

For more information on the HPAI outbreak in Indiana the latest information can be found on the Indiana Board of Animal Health's website.  CLICK HERE to visit their website.

For more information on HPAI in the United States, visit the USDA-APHIS-VS website here.


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