We know that as a Poultry Superintendent you have a lot on your mind when it comes to running a successful poultry show at the County Fair.  Sometimes it can be hard to keep track of all the paperwork you need for a Poultry Show.  On this page we have copies of the forms required for a County Fair Poultry Show.

Poultry Superintendents are required to submit the "Superintendents NPIP Report" and "Superintendents Address Form" within seven (7) days of the close of the County Fair.  In the past, the reports had to printed, hand written, signed and mailed to the ISPA Office.  Beginning this year, Poultry Superintendents will be able to submit these two reports online.  It is as simple as completing the form online and clicking the submit button.

CLICK HERE to download a pdf version of the 2025 County Fair Poultry Booklet. The Booklet contains a number of great resources for Poultry Superintendents. You’ll find information on the upcoming ISPA Blood Testing Schools, Biosecurity tips, official copies of the forms required for showing poultry in Indiana, and poultry disease factsheets.


Only a County Poultry Superintendent may complete this form. 

This report certifies that poultry exhibitors showing at your County Fair had documentation which proved that thier poultry originated directly from an NPIP PT Certified Clean Flock within one (1) year or had a negative PT test within ninety (90) days prior to exhibition. 

It is not necessary to send to the ISPA the documentation showing proof of negative PT status.  The ISPA does strongly recommend that the Poultry Superintendent should have copies of the documentation in case questions arise regarding PT status on an Exhibitor.

CLICK HERE to download a pdf copy of the Poultry Superintendent Report.


POULTRY INFO BOOKLET  - This booklet is a great resource for poultry owners, new and experienced. The Booklet contains information on poultry breeds, health and disease guides, biosecurity practices and a guide to showing poultry in Indiana.

SPANISH VERSION - The Poultry Info Booklet is now available in a fully translated Spanish version!


ISPA staff spoke to Purdue Extension Educators, discussing the requirements for poultry PT Blood Testing in Indiana. ISPA staff also reviewed the NPIP program in Indiana, from it’s history to its current requirements for commercial and exhibition members. The Blood Testing School program was also reviewed, including a review of the process for renewing a Blood Tester license. Finally, ISPA discussed general poultry resources, both virtually and print-based available for any interested poultry enthusiast.