When you have completed this module, you should recognize and understand the following aspects of the National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP):
Provisions and objectives
Terms and definitions
Forms used in program administration
The following graphic breaks down the chain of command for the National Poultry Improvement Plan:
The National Poultry Improvement Plan (NPIP) is established through the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR, a publication containing all of the rules and requirements of the executive departments and agencies of the federal government). The NPIP is a voluntary program involving the U.S. Department of Agriculture, participating states, academia, and the poultry industry.
The objective of the NPIP is to improve poultry and poultry products produced in the United States. The NPIP Provisions, developed jointly by industry members and state and federal officials, establish standards for evaluating poultry breeding stock, hatchery, and poultry products for certain diseases. The NPIP can then certify that qualifying poultry and poultry products are free of those diseases. This certification can be used for interstate and international shipments. (Auxiliary Provisions 9 CFR Part §145 and 147)
The Indiana State Board of Animal Health (BOAH) adopts the USDA’s National Poultry Improvement Plan and auxiliary provisions. This makes the NPIP provisions state law. (Indiana Administrative Code 345 IAC 4-4-1)
The Indiana State Poultry Association is designated as the Official State Agency (OSA) to cooperate with the USDA and the Indiana BOAH in administering the National Poultry Improvement Plan. (Indiana Code IC 15-2.1-18-19)
Once an individual is certified by the Indiana State Poultry Association, Indiana’s Official State Agency for the NPIP, he/she becomes an authorized testing agent of the NPIP. The Indiana State Poultry Association can designate qualified persons to do test samples and perform blood tests for the NPIP. The Indiana State Poultry Association may also employ or authorize qualified persons as state inspectors to (1) perform or supervise the performance or the testing of participating flocks and (2) perform the official inspections necessary to verify compliance with NPIP requirements. (NPIP Authorized Agents 9 CFR Part 145.11)
The integrity of the NPIP is maintained through a system of routine inspections managed by the OSA in each state. Each participating hatchery, processing plant, and laboratory is inspected at least once a year to assure the Indiana State Poultry Association that the operations are in compliance with the NPIP’s provisions. (NPIP Inspections 9 CFR Part 145.12 [a])
Recordkeeping is another important element of the NPIP. A state inspector must examine annually the records of flocks maintained for the production of hatching eggs. (NPIP Inspections 9 CFR Part 145.12 [b])
The NPIP Code of Federal Regulations section is divided into the following subparts* by product, which are:
Subpart B & 6B – Egg-Type Chicken Flocks
Subpart C & 6C – Meat-Type Chicken Flocks
Subpart D & 6D – Turkey Flocks
Subpart E – Waterfowl, Exhibition Poultry, and Game Bird Flocks
Subpart F – Ostrich, Emu, Rhea, and Cassowary Flocks
Subpart G – Primary
Subpart H – Primary Meat-Type Chicken Breeding Flocks
Subpart I – Meat-Type Waterfowl Flocks
* Subpart A is a reserved category.
Pullorum-typhoid certification or testing is required for birds that will be exhibited. All poultry, including exhibition, exotic, and game birds—but excluding waterfowl—that are going to public exhibition must come from U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean or equivalent flocks, or must have had a negative pullorum-typhoid test within 90 days of going to public exhibition. (9 CRF Part 145.53 [b][3][vii])
For the purpose of exhibition, poultry includes, all chickens, turkeys, and upland game birds.
Waterfowl, pigeons, and doves do NOT have to be tested for exhibition.
Whenever poultry are shown at exhibitions, such as at a county fair, NPIP forms must be completed to show that the animals are free of disease. Some of the common forms required by the NPIP include:
Indiana County Fair Poultry Superintendent Report
Filled out by the poultry superintendent and sent to the Indiana State Poultry Association
Certifies that all poultry shown at the county fair came from an NPIP-certified Pullorum-Typhoid Clean flock or tested negative for pullorum-typhoid within 90 days of the exhibition
Flock Selecting the Testing Report - VS Form 9-2
illed out by an NPIP authorized testing agent, or a certified blood tester
Used by exhibitors to certify that all their poultry to be shown at a public exhibition were tested for pullorum-typhoid disease within 90 days of the show date
The form includes copies for the ISPA, blood tester (if different than owner), and flock owner within one pad
This form may also be used to comply with other aspects of the NPIP
County Fair Poultry Exhibitor Form
illed out by an NPIP authorized testing agent, or a certified blood tester, as an alternative to the VS 9-2
Used by exhibitors to certify that all their poultry to be shown at a county fair came from NPIP-certified Pullorum-Typhoid Clean flocks or were tested for pullorum-typhoid disease within 90 days of the show date
Allows poultry superintendents to easily reproduce the form and make copies of the results
To assist in locating sources of birds classified as NPIP-certified U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean, the U.S. Department of Agriculture offers an NPIP participant directory on their NPIP website. Indiana NPIP participants are listed under the following link:
You can also find up-to-date information and other states NPIP directories on the NPIP Web site at:
The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) also provides important information about the National Poultry Improvement Plan.
You can acces the NPIP Provisions online at the following website:
The provisions are located on the left hand side under the heading "9-CFR" in the drop-down menu.
Module 2 Quiz
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