Alternative Activities for 4-H Poultry Shows
A Poultry Picture Show
• Have each 4-Her take photos of their birds, and then mount the pictures to a poster board. Posters can take the place of bird cages. Encourage the 4-Hers to be creative and decorate their posters. If judging is still a goal, specify specific angles/shots of the birds.
Biosecurity Poster
• Have 4-Hers make posters showing how they practice biosecurity at home.
Bird Handling/Showmanship
• Place toy (plush) birds in cages and have 4-Hers demonstrate good poultry handling techniques by taking the toy birds in and out of cages. Toy, stuffed, lifelike poultry may be found on Amazon for around $20 at:
Bird Breeds
• Display pictures of different bird breeds in the poultry barn, number each picture, and then quiz the 4-Hers on the bird breeds. The public can be invited to participate.
Poultry and Educational Activities
• USDA’s “Don’t ‘Borrow’ Bird Flu” activity:
• Encourage 4-Hers to participate in the National 4-H Poultry and Egg Conference, November 18-19, 2015 in Louisville, Kentucky. At this conference 4-H youth have the opportunity to participate in a number of different events. For more information go to:
• The American Egg Board’s (AEB’s) “Virtual Field Trips” feature Indiana’s Creighton Brothers Egg Farm: In addition AEB’s “EGGucation Resources” lists lesson plan, activities and “eggsperiments”.
• The United States Poultry and Egg Association offers a wide range of educational activities: Towards the bottom of the web page at “Poultry”, the interactive “Anatomy of the Chicken Learning Resource” is great interactive activity for visitors at the poultry barns:
• Indiana State Poultry Association (ISPA) Bird activities may be found online at:
Order free avian influenza and poultry health posters at:
Biosecurity Activities
• Biosecurity Educational Activity Kit.
Poultry Health Workshop
• During the regular poultry show day, host a bird health workshop for 4-Hers and backyard bird enthusiast. This workshop is an opportunity to educate bird owners (and potential owners) about biosecurity, disease issues, health and nutrition resources, as well as NPIP.
• Introduce Indiana State Poultry Association’s T-12 program and have copies of the T-12 flyers to distribute. T-12 Flyers are at:
• Great online resources at:
Fair Auction/Sale
• Instead of offering up birds for sale at the auction, 4-Hers could offer a basket of poultry-themed items (like an egg timer, stuffed bird or chicken calendar) or a stuffed hen. Of course, offering a photo of the bird is always an option.